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Hydrogen carrier gas, GC-MS/MS, food analyses and you – Hydrogen isn’t just for petrochemical analyses anymore

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo St, 24.8.2022
Tento webový seminář bude diskutovat o zlepšení výkonnosti s nosným plynem vodíkem v GC/MS a GC/MS/MS analýze se zaměřením na analýzy potravin, PAH v kojenecké výživě a pesticidů v ovoci a zelenině.
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Pixabay/zuzyusa: Hydrogen carrier gas, GC-MS/MS, food analyses and you – Hydrogen isn’t just for petrochemical analyses anymore

Pixabay/zuzyusa: Hydrogen carrier gas, GC-MS/MS, food analyses and you – Hydrogen isn’t just for petrochemical analyses anymore

With increasing pressure on the helium market, interest has seen renewed in hydrogen carrier gas. Agilent's new HydroInert source prevents compound conversions in the source and allows retention of MS parameters, including multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions from helium methods for easier adoption.

This webinar will discuss improved performance with hydrogen carrier gas in GC/MS and GC/MS/MS analysis with a focus on food analyses, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in infant formula and pesticides in fruits and vegetables.

Key learning objectives

  • Discover the ability of the new HydroInert source to prevent hydrogenation and other reactions in the source that occur in presence of hydrogen.
  • Understand the use of the HydroInert source in PAH and pesticide analyses with retention of MRM transitions.

Who should attend?

  • Scientists working with GC-MS/MS and Lab managers

Presenter: Joel Ferrer (Triple Quadrupole GC/MS Product Manager, Agilent Technologies Inc.)

Joel Ferrer is the Product Manager for the Agilent Triple Quadrupole GC/MS portfolio. He obtained his B.S. in Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University where he gained experience on Agilent LC/MS and GC/MS instrumentation performing metabolomics research in the Department of Chemistry. Joel earned his MBA from the University of Houston with a focus in Product Management and Marketing Analytics. He’s been with Agilent for over 5 years and in his current product management role since June 2020.

Presenter: Angela Smith Henry, Ph.D. (R&D Application Chemist manager, Agilent Technologies Inc.)

Angela Smith Henry is an R&D application chemist manager at Agilent Technologies in Wilmington, DE, leading a team of applications chemists in new product developments. Prior to joining the R&D team, she was an applications chemist for GC and MS Supplies with a focus on new product development and application support for GC and GC/MS analyses. She holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Lehigh University, Pennsylvania and a B.S. in Chemistry from Juniata College, Pennsylvania.

Presenter: Ellen Simms (Editorial Assistant, selectscience)

Ellen studied biological sciences at the University of the West of England, UK, before completing a master's in epidemiology from the University of Bristol. As a member of the Editorial team, she now plays an integral role in shaping the content on SelectScience.

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